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Makai P.


Mathematix is a nodeblock-based math webapp, designed to make the graphic calculator more accessible and easy to use. Using node blocks, the interface allows users to drag and drop mathematical operations, enabling them to connect them together in order to calculate certain functions.


Bakify, an online web application originally created for Ms. Baker's class, is designed to help users improve their writing by identifying and replacing analytical never-words. By highlighting these weak words that can obstruct your message, Bakify potentially enhances your writing. Additionally, the application automatically switches to dark mode at night for optimal user experience. As Bakify is still in beta, any feedback or suggestions from programmers would be appreciated and can be submitted through the website's built-in form. Keep in mind that not all features are currently available, but Bakify will continue to evolve and improve.

With over 118 different analytical never-words already included, Bakify offers users the ability to scan their writing quickly and easily. While weak verb support is not yet available, it is coming soon. The application saves time by suggesting synonymous terms and may add more analytical never-words and weak verbs as it continues to develop.

Mr. Clevenger Simulator

Written in C#, advanced Unity Simulation technology enables an accurate simulation of Mr. Clevenger (my history teacher) in real time. The player can play as Mr. Clevenger using a series of complex motions using state-of-the-art motion tracking technology, made available by Adobe Mixamo.

Furthermore, Unity Navmesh calculations allow for more realistic NPCs, which are able to walk, talk, and interact with their environment. The environment was created using reality capture software Scaniverse to create accurately-scaled models.

Thank you for reading.

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